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Things to do this Summer

So, if you're like me and have multiple loans/overdrafts etc. etc. but still want to have that amazing summer then you may enjoy reading this unless you've already thought of these ideas yourself which is not rocket science, but I wanted to post nice pictures and ideas and the like for all you lot who read this blog.

1. If you are close to a beach, that is a perfect start.

Lucky you lot who live in Cornwall!

In the day, it is obvious what you can do at the beach: sunbathe! and perhaps if you're lucky enough, you can go surfing and the life which keeps you fit as well. Then, when the night time comes, get a few of your mates out with a crate of beer and party until the sun comes up (as long as you pick all your crap up and don't leave it on the beach!).
The price to go is free initially. If you want to do sports, then I have no idea (apologies) and a crate of beer is what 3 for £20 in some shops. Cheap as!

2. Picnic

Set an amount of money for everyone to spend (e.g. a fiver) and organise who buys what. If there is a load of you, make sure people get different things like drink, ham, cheese, bread, crisps, chocolate etc. and voila! there you have a massive banquet for you and your friends. Plan to meet in the local park on a sunny day and take a chequered blanket to either put the food on or sprawl out and catch some rays.

3. Garden Party

Yours obviously doesn't have to look this posh or pretty with tea pots and the like. Like the picnic get a few people to bring their own bits of food and drink and just enjoys each others company outside in the fresh air. Make sure that there are plenty of places for people to sit and have a chat.
Then, when it gets darker, bring the party inside and put on some music.

4. House Party

There is a fabulous section in The Goddess Guide by Gisele Scanlon about how to throw your own house party. It includes things like: putting a couple of chairs and tables in a corner for people to chat and put their drinks down so that it there are no stains on the carpet; how to get stains out of a carpet e.g. sick and wine (red); to put all valuables in one place and lock them away so that it'll be easy to find them in the morning. It really is two pages of great tips and advice.
I think that the book is around £10.99.

5. Road Trip

Get a few of your friends to chip in for petrol and off you go. Pack a few things and take some money and just drive to wherever you feel like it.

6. Camping

Go camping! Or glamping, whichever you feel like. Take a tent and a few clothes, drinks, food and anything else that you don't need electric for, obviously. Build a camp fire and drink all night, singing camp songs or just generally talk and gossip amongst yourselves.
Do this every night until you get bored or you can't pay the spot price anymore and drive home.

faye xoxo

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