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What's the plan?

First of, HAPP NEW YEAR!!!!!! Phew! What a 2009, right? I was really exhausted with last year that I hope this year will be a bit mellow in terms of the weather (no more typhoons please!), elections and problems. I wish everyone a good 2010. A year that'll give us glowing skin instead of sullen ones. LOL.

Yearly, I find myself looking for that perfect planner that will help me with the year ahead. Last year, It was my Belle de Jour. This year, I found it in Navi 2010. Made by Viviamo Inc., mother company of Belle de Jour Planner, Navi was created to inspire people to explore places and achieve goals.

I was first attracted with the hard bound pages. It made me feel that I was writing a book about the rest of my life. I was never the traveller but have always dreamed of becoming one, but this planner is not just about physical traveling. It is also one's travel to a good life and achieving the goals you've set. So, I may not make plans of going to Egpyt or Hawaii but I will most definitely be inspired to travel into a better life situation or just have more courage to try new things.

Another reason as well for getting this planner is for the young boy, Mio, that I blogged about here. Part of every sale of Navi planner goes to Mio, whom they say will go places once he beats the cancer in him.


bucket list

The monthly page allows me to do some doodling and a little of bit drawing, much like what I did with my Starbucks 2005 and Belle de Jour 2007. I usually draw mini cups of coffee that I've drank for the day or draw emoticons depending on how I feel. I even draw mini cakes for when there are birthdays.

I love the division of the weekly page as it allows me to write my thoughts at the end of the day.

I badly need an expenses tracker.. hehehe!

tons of pages for my doodling and pictures. :)

emergency number because you'll never know when you'll be in one.

calendar (i use this as my period tracker)

Sometimes, all we need is just a navigator to help us find the way.
Now that my mom isn't here to help me out, I call on to Him more to guide me where to go and what to do.

I still have another planner to show you, beauties. Wait for it!

I hope the year 2010 is going great for everyone. As for me, we recently moved in to our new unit. I had the best new year dinner with my friends and cousins (review of the restaurant next). And I stayed the whole of the last day of holiday at home with my hunny and pups.

My life is quite simple and I really like it.
Surrounded by the people I love, things that inspire you, my mom taking care of me from Heaven... well, I can't ask for anything else for my 2010.

til next post, beauties!

much love,

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