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My Hero / David Cesarani by David Herman

David Cesarini

My hero:

David Cesarani by David Herman

‘He changed the way we think about Anglo-Jewish history and added to our understanding of the Holocaust’

David Herman
Saturday 20 February 2016

n 6 October the historian David Cesarani wrote to my wife, Susie. He was desperately ill, recovering from a major cancer operation. He only wanted to see his family. He didn’t want friends seeing him so ill. “I would rather you recall the image of that tousle-haired youth careening through the streets of Cambridge in his MG, summoning friends to a party with a toot of his hunting horn.” He died of a heart attack just over two weeks later.

The image is perfect. David was full of energy, always on the move, rushing from one deadline to another. He devoured books, argued about ideas late into the night, often over super-strong espresso. He had enormous stamina as a historian. It is fitting that Final Solution (Macmillan), his posthumously published work on the Holocaust, exceeds 1,000 pages. A mutual friend once saw David outside the cinema. Cesarani, he said, was not so much reading the reviews as sucking the print off the page. His range of interests, his appetite for life, was astonishing.
Some academics lack hinterland; they only have time for their work, narrow and specialised. Cesarani was all about the hinterland. He loved films, plays, music, art. Above all, he loved to argue. Half the BBC had his phone number because if you wanted someone to debate about Jews, Israel or the Holocaust, he was your man.
It is too soon to say what his true legacy will be. Following his acclaimed biographies of Koestler and Eichmann there is his book on Disraeli on the way. He changed the way we think about Anglo-Jewish history and added to our understanding of the Holocaust, through his work with film-makers from Laurence Rees to Steven Spielberg and by advising prime ministers on war crimes legislation and how to commemorate the Holocaust in Britain.
Cesarani was tirelessly on the move, “careering”, “tooting”, “summoning”. He was right: that’s how we should remember him.

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