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mask pack review : Baviphat mangos teen yogurt park & vov daily fresh mini pack appla AHA peeling gel

woaa.. what a long title. lol. well, i have this to mini pack that only available for 2-3 times use, so i guess i'll make it short and review both in one post.

First, it's Baviphat Mango steen yogurt pack
what a cute packaging, as usual. The packaging is like butter or jam, cute and easy to carry around if you want to take some mask pack while you are travelling.
open the cap, you can see those light milky purple gel/cream like.
the texture is creamy-gel, similar like etude house yogurt pack or innisfree apple pack. Those 3 products are similar in packaging, texture and function actually.

This one, my first impression, it smells yummyyy.. smells like creamy yogurt, the yummy one.. made me want to sniff more and more.
So i applied this one night after cleansing my face, then waited for around 10 minutes then washed it off. i didn't experience any itchy or discomfort during waiting time. and when i washed it off, it felt sticky and i found it easier to wash it off with warm water.
The result? my face looked brighter instantly. yup, instantly and doesn't last long till the next day though. but it's quite good, i felt moisturised and brighter even for awhile.

Next is.. VOV daily fresh mini pack Apple AHA peeling gel
This one is actually a peeling gel. for a peeling gel this sachet is quite a lot, i can use it more than 3 times. Because you don't need that much to use on your face. a little amount is enough.
The texture is a very thick gel. it smells a little scent of apple, but not too strong and not too sweet and delicious scent.
How to use it, after cleansing your face, apply this peeling on dry face, rub it around gently, until it scrubed off like in the picture above. those gel will turn into small tiny scrubs particel, scrub it off from your face then wash off.

the result? well it's quite good peeling. i felt my face so soft when i touched it after. Not the best peeling anyway, i've tried better peeling than this. But for alternative, it's ok and i will continue using it until it finish.

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