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Win a Cargo Eye Shadow Palette for you and your bestie! Contest!

picture:  makeupandbeautyblog.com
I don't know about you but my best friend whines a lot - strangely, it's often beauty related whining - "I can't find a foundation dark enooooooough"!, "My skin is so ooooooooily"!, "My eyeshadow doesn't show up on meeeeee"!  Annoying no?  Serious therapy and a decent eyeshadow were the only things that were going to shut her up!  You would think finding an eyeshadow that will show up on dark skin would be easy right?!  Not so much - it was a hard concept to wrap my mind around - I'm pale, everything shows up on me!

Cargo Eye Shadow Palette - $28 - to the rescue!  Cargo, a long time favourite of mine, not to mention a Canadian company - makes eye shadows with kick ass pigments that show up on even the dark and whiny!  Needless to say Christelle is thrilled and she's in such a good mood, she thinks we should share the love - so we are giving one lucky reader two Los Angeles' palettes - one for you and one for your best friend!  And they are the perfect colours for spring!
Sound good?  Want in?  Here's the deal: This contest is open to everyone, anywhere in the universe. All you have to do is join Beauty Crazed as a follower if you aren't one already.  You can either do it through Google or through Networked Blogs on Facebook - you can find both signups on the right hand side of the Beauty Crazed site.  Once you belong to our crazy family just leave a reply to this post letting us know you want in and why you think you and your bestie need a Cargo palette.  If you give the contest link a tweet or post it on your blog, there's an extra entry in it for you!  Including an e-mail address would be extra helpful and you can write it like this - info(at)beautycrazed(dot)ca - so the bots can't find you but we can!  Or if you prefer not to leave a public post, it's also fine to e-mail us - info@beautycrazed.ca, please put "Cargo Contest" in the subject line.  Winner to be decided by random drawing and you have until April 23rd to enter.

- Lisamarie -

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