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We're The Millers

So between two lectures today, my friend Hannah and I had a four hour break and thought it would be a little bit pointless walking home just to have to leave again not much later, so instead we headed out thinking of ways to waste the time while we had nothing to do.

About an hour later, bored of wandering around shops Hannah jokingly suggested to go to the cinema, however this soon turned into us going to see what films were on, checking ticket prices, then finding our seats in the cinema to watch We're The Millers.

While watching the adverts and trailers it soon became obvious that we would be the only two people to be sat watching this film at that particular time, which made enjoying the film a whole lot better.

We're The Millers was a great film and had me laughing so hard at certain points, and wishing I had a perfect body like Jennifer Aniston at other points. It was a fantastic comedy, but not one for the kids as there is a lot of swearing involved in the script of this particular film.

The basic story line behind this film is as follows:

David, a drug dealer, ends up being in debt to his boss, Brad, who then asks him to go on a bit of a road trip to make up his debt. Brad is trying to get a large amount of drugs into America to sell off but has no one to do the job for him, which is where David comes in to get Brad's forgiveness. To make his trip to Mexico more believable to the guards at the border he hires three people, Rose, Kenny and Casey,  in order to create a fake family for a fake vacation.

Rose, the fake wife, lives in the same apartment building as David but they tend not to see eye to eye and rarely get along well at all, she also happens to be a stripper which we see later in the film comes in handy as a way of distraction.

Kenny, the fake son, also lives in this apartment building but was left alone by his mum, and as he is a pretty much normal kid David decides to bring him along to make up the family.

Casey, the fake daughter, is a young girl who has run away from home and has been living on the streets. Even though she has a bad attitude and is generally an unhappy teen, David hires her to make the family more believable and realistic.

They each know what David is doing and go along with the plan for a cut of the money at the end of the trip, but at some points in the film it all seems like its not going to go to plan.

Now I love a comedy and of course everyone has their own opinions about what's funny in a film and what's not, but I personally found myself laughing more than I expected to and still have one of the songs stuck in my head that featured in the film. There is still one thing in this film that bugged me but its just silly and it makes the film what it is, this being as the character Scottie P and the way he spoke irritated me, which is ridiculous I know but that's just me being picky.

I think if you like a comedy and don't mind a lot of swearing, some violence, and a tad bit of nudity then you'd probably enjoy this film. I think the acting a whole was really well done by each actor and actress and I still chuckle to myself when I think of a funny scene.

Until my next post, have a good time everyone, ta for reading!

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