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Hello 2013

What a year 2012 has been... Not the best and it only makes me want to make 2013 the best year of my life! Well just reading that back there are few things that I have done this year that stands out.
I have been doing the most random things this year and I am very grateful for the things that I have experience. 

In 2012
1. I stopped smoking.
2. I took my boyfriend to Iceland to meet everyone
3. Watched my sister graduate 
4. Saw Hrafn (the most beautiful boy) on skype. 
5. Worked in Business Developing
6. Started working in Boots
7. Spent the most amazing weekend with my Mum and Óskar in London.
8. Hung out with Bryndís and Stúni in Camden
9. Had an amazing year with Ethan 
10. and 100 more things that I am not bothered about writing. 

One thing that has been upsetting to me is that I miss my family and friends more and more. I will be going back to Iceland before I know. 

I have made few New Year Resolution in my mind but here are few of them:
1. Stay connected to people in Iceland. I go days without speaking to friends/family and if I was in Iceland I would have spoken to them everyday.
2. Find out what I want to do. - as in what I want to study, where I want to live in the world. (basically create my 5 year plan. Easy RIGHT?)
3. Become healthy - NO DIET, just healthy
4. And there are so many that I don't even bother with them haha.
5. One thing is BLOGGING...I love blogging but I am crap at finding time and all that jazz but I will because I am going to spend more time doing what I love

I hope everyone has been having great holidays and are ready to start the new year! (It has already started but I am, as always Fashionably late:)

Speak to you soon 

Margret x

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