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Frankenweenie + a "me and Boris" post

This is going to be another "me and Boris" post. I guess you'll be getting them a lot from the obvious reasons...

So yesterday we went to see Frankenweenie! Oh what a beautiful movie it was, even more than I expected! It was so lovely and I even cried a few times. I just love Tim Burton so much for every thing he does. I can never get enough of him! Dark Shadows was also genius.

 Boris had his first ever glasses done this week. It sure makes him look more smarter than me. I think this calls for wearing high heels whenever I'm with him.

As for the Victorian Party I mentioned last post, this is what we looked like:

It was out idea together because I don't like dressing Victorian much, it was much of a phase to me when I got into Goth therefore I own some clothes. Boris on the other hand likes this style better, so everyone gets to wear what they want... Oh Boris, Tiger Lilies and The Virgin Prunes would have been so proud of you...
We really made the people in the club happy about this. Nobody expected this XD